Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder – What is it?

Delayed sleep-wake phase disorder (DSP) is a circadian rhythm disorder where one’s sleep pattern is off by two or more hours. They tend to go to sleep two or more hours later than what is considered normal. Consequently, they will also want to wake up at a later time than most consider appropriate. They will sleep the appropriate amount of time for their age but will start their sleep cycle later in the night than most people do.

This sleep disorder becomes problematic when the cycle interferes with work. Most occupations begin a few hours before someone with delayed sleep-wake phase disorder would naturally want to wake up. A person with DSP may be confused with someone who has insomnia because they stay up later, but must force themselves to wake earlier than they would if left alone so they can attend school or work. This lack of sleep leads to severe sleepiness and fatigue during the day.

What causes it?

For most people with DSP, this is their natural sleep cycle and more than likely runs in the family. However, it could be caused by environmental factors, such as poor exposure to bright light in the morning, and too much bright light exposure in the evening hours. There could also be other underlying problems to cause DSP, such as:

  • Another sleep disorder
  • Certain medication use
  • A mental health disorder
  • Substance abuse

Possible solutions

One solution that has been proven to help people with DSP fall asleep at a normal time and stay asleep is the supplementary hormone Melatonin. This supplement boosts your body’s natural ability to regulate your sleeping pattern.

Another possible solution is bright light therapy. This therapy helps reset one’s sleep-wake cycle and regulate their internal circadian rhythm by reminding them when it is time to wake up and time to go to bed based on the amount of light around them. Bright light indicates it’s time to wake up and do wakeful things and the gradual deterioration and eventual absence of light indicates it is time to go to sleep and stay asleep.

Why get treatment?

It is important to get treatment for DSP because most jobs require work to be done based on the assumption that their workers have a more typical sleeping pattern and are able to work from the morning through the afternoon. Those with DSP will have an extremely difficult time complying with these hours and complications at work or school will arise.