Shift Work Disorder – What is it?

Shift work disorder occurs when you have difficulties adjusting to a work schedule that takes place during a time which most people sleep. When you have shift work disorder, there is a conflict between your body’s circadian rhythms and your work schedule. You may have to be at work when your body wants to sleep. Consequently, when you have to sleep, your body expects to be awake.

What causes it?

People with shift work disorder may sleep up to four hours less than the average worker. Shift work disorder causes you to have trouble sleeping or to be severely tired. The quality of sleep may be poor, and you may wake up feeling unrefreshed. You may feel fatigued or exhausted. This can hurt your performance at work and can put you at risk of making a costly mistake or getting injured on the job.

Shift work can be very strenuous on the person with a work schedule conflicting with typical sleeping hours. This is because it confuses your body by throwing off your circadian rhythms. Your circadian rhythm works as your internal clock, telling your body when to be awake and when to be asleep. Your brain reacts to light in order to determine when you should be awake and when you should be sleeping and sets your circadian rhythm accordingly. Working a night shift complicates things. Once it becomes dark and it’s time for you to go to work, your brain will be telling your body it’s time to go to sleep. Then after your shift ends and the sun begins coming, your brain will tell your body it’s time to wake up when all you want to do is sleep. This becomes problematic.

Not everyone who does shift work has shift work disorder. Many people have difficulty initially adjusting to a new shift. If after several weeks you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep or you feel tired even after sleeping 7-8 hours, you may have shift work disorder.

Possible solutions

The symptoms of shift work disorder usually last as long as you keep the shift work schedule. The sleep problems tend to go away once you begin sleeping at a normal time again. Some people may have sleep problems even after the shift work schedule ends.

Why get treatment?

It is important to get treated so that you can adjust to your work schedule. If not then you will become extremely tired and fatigued during working hours. You may begin to make mistakes at work or even start to experience sleep attacks and endanger yourself and your co-workers.